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He was born in Kuching Sarawak, an avid photographer.


Being a Land Surveyor, he brought along his camera and took photos wherever he went.


At the end of 2010, he joined the Sarawak Photo-Art Society (SPAS) and became a Committee Member in 2012.


After obtaining the first photography distinction in 2014, he set his goal on the photography distinction, and made collecting of distinction titles as another hobby.


After many years of hard work, he now collected 45 local and oversea photography distinction titles, 5 of which are Master-level.

My Photography Journey

- Samsung AF-333 Film Camera

- Olympus U Digital Compact Digital Camera

- Samsung ES55 Compact Digital Camera

Nov.  -  Nikon D90 + Nikkor Lens 18-200mm.
Dec. - Join Sarawak Photo-Art Society as Life Member.

- Participating most of local photography contests and successful gained a 3rd Prize, 5 Consolation Prizes
  and 1 Merit Prize.
- Successful gained Most Promising Photographer Award 2011 of Sarawak Photo-Art Society.

- Elected as Ordinary Committee Member of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (2012-2013).
- May - Nikkor Micro Lens 105mm f/2.8G
- Participating 2 International Salon / Exhibition organized by local photography society's.
  And, successful gained 6 Acceptances.

- Participating in International Salon / Exhibition organized by foreign photographic society's.
- Successful gained Runner Up of Club Championship Award 2013 of Sarawak Photo-Art Society.
- Salon Committee of The 2nd Borneo International Salon of Photography 2013

- Elected as Treasurer of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (2014-2015).
- Successful gained Associate of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (ASPAS).
- Successful gained Runner Up of Club Championship Award 2014 of Sarawak Photo-Art Society.
- Life Time Membership of Photographic Society of Malaysia (PSM), Malaysia.
- Life Time Membership of Photographic Society of Batu Pahat (PSBP), Johor.

- Elected as Vice President of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (2016-2017).
- Successful gained Club Champion Award 2016 of Sarawak Photo-Art Society.
- Associate Member of Society of Photographer Malaysia (SPM), Malaysia
- Life Time Membership of Image Colleague Society International (ICS), USA.
- Life Time Membership of Photographic Society of Penang (PSP), Penang.

- Establish New Photography Awards of SPAS Golden Award 2016 & 2017.

- Draft, propose & establish the SPAS Photographer Distinctions ((CP.SPAS, PP.SPAS, EP.SPAS, MP.SPAS &

  GMP.SPAS) during the BGM 2016.

- Photography Sharing of SPAS Distinction at SPAS Club House.

- Salon Chairman of The 3rd Borneo International Salon of Photography 2017

- Elected as Deputy President of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (2018-2019).
- Life Time Membership Award of Asia Photographers Union (APU), Singapore.
- Achiever Award year 2018 of Society of Photographer Malaysia (SPM), Malaysia.

- Establish New Photography Awards of SPAS Photo Performance Award 2018 & 2019.

- Appoint foreign Jury's for judging the SPAS Photo Performance Award Photography Contests 2018 & 2019.

- Draft, propose & establish the SPAS Exhibitior Distinctions (BE.SPAS, SE.SPAS, GE.SPAS, PE.SPAS & DE.SPAS)

  during the BGM 2018.

- To Lead SPAS Move Forward To Internationally with conferring the non member, outsider and foreign qualify

  photographer's with Honorary of SPAS and Honorary Fellow of SPAS.

- Salon Chairman of The 4th Borneo International Salon of Photography 2019
- Achiever Award year 2019 of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (SPAS), Sarawak
- Helping Federation of Asian Photographic Art (FAPA) to draft the Rules and Regulations of FAPA Distinctions  

- Photography Sharing of Macro Photography at SPAS Club House.

- Photography Sharing of International Salon of Photography at SPAS Club House.

- Appointed by SPAS as Advisor 2022-2023

- Helping FAPA to review & suggest amendment of the Rules and Regulations of FAPA Distinctions AFAPA & FFAPA.

- Suggest FAPA to establish the FAPA Honorary Distinction & helping draft the Rules and Regulations of Hon.FAPA
  & Hon.FFAPA.



- Appointed as Malaysia - Country Representative of Fotogram Photo Club, Turkey



Promote International Exhibition/Salon of Photography

Create a “Salon Fighter Group” throught Facebook Messenger and as a Administrator to encouraged SPAS Members and photography friends take a part in International Exhibition of Photography to improve themselves.

Already have 1 member successfully obtained PSA 3 Star, and another 1 member has achieve EPSA.

Two members has achieve GE.SPAS and other two has achieve DE.SPAS.


Promote Photography Distinctions

Create a “Distinction Hunter Group” throught Facebook Messenger and as a Administrator to encouraged SPAS Members and photography friends to challenge themselves and earned a Distinction's. Assistance on previewing selection of images and giving some advise before submission for assesment.

Already have 1 member successfully obtained AFAPA, 5 members successfully obtained AICS, 1 member successfully obtained FICS  and other 1 female member has successfully obtained ASWAN, AICS, AUSPA, FICS, EUSPA & MICS.


Volunteering Work

Volunteer Photographer of

- Kuching International Marathon 2014

- Kuching International Marathon 2015

- Chung Hua Charity Run 2015

- Kuching Marathon 2016

- Kuching Run For Autism 2017

- Run To Save Lives 2019

- Sarawak International Festival of Music and Arts “Gala Concert” 2019

- CJC Ultron New Year Resolution Run 2020


Contribution to Biodiversity Science – iNaturalist Mushrooms of Malaysia and Singapore

Contribute 690+ Observations, 1560+ Identifications and 90+ Species of Mushrooms in iNaturalist Mushrooms of Malaysia and Singapore, share my findings with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use my data for research purposes.

Society's  Member/honor Galleries

© 2018 by Siburan Lai Photography Art                                                                                                                                                                                              Siburan Lai å’Œ


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