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Photographic  Distinction
摄 影 名 衔


The Photographic Distinction is meaningless for some people! It seems like nothing, no difference, useless!
But for some people, it is a major milestone in photography career, and as a leaders of the fosters growth in the photography field.
Having a Photographic Distinction means getting a recognize from photographic club/society, which had reached a certain level of that club/society.
Having it does not make you the best photographer. It only shows your the strength of photographic. It provide a special platform for you to realizes your creativity, express imagination, inspires hidden potential, challenge yourself, elevates yourself, surmount yourself, strive for photographic art excellence to more highest level of the realm of photographic art.

摄影名衔对某些人来说是毫无意义的! 似有似无, 毫无差异, 毫无用处! 考来有何用呢?
但, 对某些人而言,它是摄影艺术生涯里重大的里程碑,它也是摄影领域中促进成长的领头羊之一.
拥有摄影名衔, 意味着获得某摄影学/协会的认可, 并已达到其会的某个摄影水平或级别.
拥有了它, 并不会使你成为最佳的摄影师, 它仅展示你的摄影艺术的实力.
它提供了一个特殊的平台给予你发挥创造力, 想象力, 激发隐藏的潜能, 自我挑战, 自我提升, 超越自我, 追求卓越的摄影艺术到更

My Photographic Distinctions
ACPE = Artist of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania
AFAPA = Associate of Federation of Asian Photographic Art, Taiwan
AICS = Associate of Image Colleague Society International, USA
AIVAF = Appreciation Indian Visual Arts Foundation, India
ANPS = Associate of Nature Photographic Society, Hong Kong
APSBP = Associate of Photographic Society of Batu Pahat, Johor
APSM = Associate of Photographic Society of Malaysia, Malaysia
ASPAS = Associate of Sarawak Photo-Art Society, Sarawak
ASPM = Associate of Society of Photographer Malaysia, Malaysia
ASWAN = Associate of SWAN International Photo Club, USA
AUSPA = Artist of United States Photographic Alliance, USA
CEP.PPI = Certified Excellent Photographer of Professional Photographers International, Hong Kong
DE.SPAS = Diamond Exhibitor of Sarawak Photo-Art Society, Sarawak
EFMPA = Excellence of Federation Multi-Cultural Photographic Art, USA
EUSPA = Excellence of United States Photographic Alliance, USA
ES.CPE = Excellence Services of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania
FAPU = Fellow of Asia Photographers Union, Singapore
FICS = Fellow of Image Colleague Society International, USA
FIVAF = Fellow of Indian Visual Arts Foundation, India
FPSBP = Fellow of Photographic Society of Batu Pahat, Johor
FSAP = Fellow of Sigma Academy of Photography, India
FSWAN = Fellow of SWAN International Photo Club, USA
GAPS = Genius of Agile Photographic Society, Bangladesh
Hon.CPE = Honorary of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania
Hon.PESGSPC = Honorary of PASCAL English School And Greek School Photographic Club, Cyprus
Hon.SPAS = Honorary of Sarawak Photo-Art Society, Sarawak
Hon.EIUSF = Honorary Excellence of ICS/USPA/SWAN/FMPA of Image Colleague Society International, USA
Hon.EFMPA = Honorary Excellence of Federation Multicultural Photographic Art, USA
Hon.EUSPA = Honorary Excellence of United States Photographic Alliance, USA
Hon.FARGUS = Honorary Fellowship of ARGUS Photographic Society, Romania
Hon.FAVAA = Honorary Fellow of Addy Yiu Visual Arts Association, Hong Kong
Hon.FFPC = Honorary Fellowship of Fotogram Photo Club, Turkey
Hon.FICS = Honorary Fellow of Image Colleague Society International, USA
Hon.FPSNJ = Honorary Fellow of Photographic Society New Jersey, USA
Hon.FSWAN = Honorary Fellow of SWAN International Photo Club, USA
Hon.FWPG = Honorary Fellow of World of Photography Group, Saudi Arabia
RGM.GNG.F = Royal Grand Master GNG Fellowship, India
MFMPA = Master of Federation Multicultural Photographic Art, USA
MICS = Master of Image Colleague Society International, USA
MIVAF = Master of Indian Visual Arts Foundation, India
MSAP = Master of Sigma Academy of Photography, India
MSWAN = Master of SWAN International Photo Club, USA
MUSPA = Master of United States Photographic Alliance, USA
PGNG = Platinum in GreenGo Club, India
PPSA = Proficiency Photographic Society of America, USA
PSA 5*ND = 5 Star Nature Division Exhibitor of Photographic Society of America, USA
PSA 4*PIDC = 4 Star Projected Image Division Class Color Exhibitor of Photographic Society of America, USA
PP.SPAS = Proficiency Photographer of Sarawak Photo-Art Society, Sarawak
QPSA = Qualified Photographic Society of America, USA
SE.PSBP = Salon Exhibitor of Photographic Society of Batu Pahat, Johor
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© 2018 by Siburan Lai Photography Art                                                                                                                                                                                              Siburan Lai 和

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